Unfortunately, without a proper site evaluation and design brief, it’s not possible to provide meaningful or reliable early pricing.

There are so many cost affecting variables that are design and site-specific including;

  • access, steepness, ground stability,

  • zoning (town planning) regulations & overlays,

  • resource consents,

  • existing public services,

  • architectural design, engineering, materials (cladding, joinery, roof, finishing specifications etc…),

  • power water & comms services in, drainage, stormwater outflows, existing services upgrade requirements etc

Many building companies offer standard pricing for the services they offer which is fine, but often there is so much more to consider.

We believe clients want and really need to understand the variables that will impact the total cost of their project.

Every project we do is bespoke and even similar designs on different sites can vary substantially in cost.

Understanding the variables of your project and likely cost impact is critical information to obtain before you commit.